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Since i was a kid, i love to play videogames, and at age of 35, i decided to take a 3D course, and follow my dream. After completing it, it opened my eyes and now i see my dream come to life... Im in love.... Now Im searching for a job oportunity...

I have always been in awe of all things 3d... VFX, Games. I first played a video game at the some kids' house down the street and was blown away but being from South Africa there isn't much exposure to the 3D, VFX or Game industry. It was only once I moved to Portugal and attended ODD School that I became driven to build a career in the game industry.

Since I was a child I always loved movies and tv shows and I felt that I wanted to be able to work in the medium and make other people feel the way I felt

I've always been attracted to the art world. Like many others in their early years, I was the kid drawing away anything that came to my mind during class. Eventually that interest transfered over to video games and the digital art world and finally, to 3D.

Since I was a youngster, I always have developed a special taste for games and their visuals, enjoying their details as a whole. Then the time passed, I discovered more of this world at a deeper level until I completely surrendered to creating characters and fantasy graphics. When I returned from a Japanese Course in Tokyo, I enrolled at Odd School, where I learned the fundamentals and basics of this crazy world, expecting to have the opportunity to create my own Gaming Studio one day.

I've always liked watching movies and/or series, and it really amazed me how someone could create something so beautiful that leaves such a big impact on people's lives, no matter the gender or the age.

I became interest in the creative process of creating content for games since an early age (around 12 maybe) playing around map editors, such as Unreal Tournament 99 and Warcraft 3's map editor. Couple years later, when I started thinking about career paths, found 3D game art as a viable option and slowly started learning about it ever since.

I took a Multimedia Art degree in college and unfortunately I learned very little, but I had this amazing teacher that introduced me to the world of 3D and all of its great possibilities and that's when I finally found my path. After college I searched for professional schools that could provide me with such knowledge, and that's where I found ODD School which taught me pretty much everything I know and prepared me to work in the industry.

When i tried to draw my comic/cartoon heroes and later getting interested in the animation and video game industry, how characters, environments, the story were brought to life through.

I didn't know what I wanted to do in the future, but since I was little, I knew I wanted something related with art, so I decided to take a degree in a Fine Art University. I didn't feel fulfilled with my studies there, so when a friend of mine introduced me to the 3D world I was amazed (I already loved video-games and animated movies) and went to a school that taught 3D modeling. There I learned so much and I was always happy to build something.

After discovering the first Star Wars movies initiating my love for science fiction I developed an obsession to understand how ideas could be made possible on screen with the magic of computer graphics. This lead me to investigate in my free time the art and techniques of 3d before getting a more formal training.

When I realised I spent more time watching videos on how the movies were made than watching actual movies.