Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Noroff University College
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When I was 16 I realised I wanted to be a tattooer. Became an apprentice at age 21 and now 10 years later I want to learn something completely different

I have always had an interest in digital media even as a child I got into stop motion animation, So it is a field I have long desired to work within but realizing that I wanted to work in this industry was about the same time as I realized that this could actually be my job one day!.

Since I was a little girl. I was always admiring artists and wanted to be one of them.

I'm in love with video games and I was always interested in graphics.

Since the first time i read a comic book i knew i wanted to do work with something creative

When I got laid off work due to the pandemic, I considered going back to school. As an adult I have fallen back in love with video games, and when I read about 3D design and Games Technology at Noroff School of technology and digital media, I had to go for it.

I started simple modding codes in games when I was 5 years old and just pretty much been doing modding and game development as a hobby since.