Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Nelson Institute of Technology
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I found interest while watching blender terrain creation videos. I have always had an interest in the creation of movies be it cinematography or VFX.

I had some free time during my gap year after school and started to play around with blender. The more I used it the more I was sure this is what I wanted to do. I found a course for CGI locally and applied. I have always been interested in creative media and entertainment (writing, film, and games both board/card and video), but hadn't considered it for a career before.

From a very young age, I’ve just been stuck to the drawing on either pad or paper with a pen in my hand, creating all sorts of stories, worlds and characters. Honing these skills and seeing all the wonderful creations in films, tv shows, games etc truly inspired me along my way to one day work on such projects.