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Ever since I can remember, my passion for creativity flourished as I casually sketched short cartoon series in school notebooks. Over time, I delved into learning VR, 3D modeling, film, and CG, and now, I am passionately working towards producing my first short film.

When I realized pursuing certain things that I don't enjoy and putting my dreams to the side really wrecked my psychological state of mind. I had wanted to pursue Creative Media since I was young but can't seem to find the best study path until now.

About 16 when I started my art lessons.

I think Studio Ghibli animation has really inspired me to start my passion for animation and art.

I have 3 years of experience in the VFX education and one year of experience in various professions. But I realize that my skills are not sufficient and I lack an outstanding portfolio. So, I have decided to further my study because I believe that university will provide me with numerous opportunities to experiment and learning, ultimately boosting my confidence. I am someone who enjoys fantasizing and VFX allows me to create many scenes, bringing to life things that cannot be seen in reality.

When I discovers 3D cours during my University

Probably after finishing high school, and it was also when I first watched the night firework show at Hong Kong Disneyland with my mom. That's when I really wanted to do animation, to make the world a better place.

When I was 19. Year 2018

when I was 15, my younger brother started to learn 3ds max himself by buying a few books about learning 3ds max. That's the first time I know something about 3d modelling, animation, texturing and so on. I was curious and I started to learn together with him and surprisingly I like it!

after finishing high school.. always intrested in art... find my way I could change 2d art to 3d

When I was in college studying graphic design, I am exposed to the arts and creative field of knowledge, this makes me eager to learn more about this field. Back in my hometown, majority of the people including my parents know nothing about this and think there's no future in this industry. So, I wanted to get into this industry and prove it to them that it is not what they think it is. Besides, it feels good when your work can entertain the people and you have something to be proud of.

When I saw how games' assets look amazing up close and how game characters looks amazing and at that moment I just wanted to create something just like that