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When I started at Minneapolis College of Art and Design. I just want to find something to do with my life

When I was younger, I was struggling to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. My interest in STEM was crushed, and no way was I going to get a 'big break' in singing like every kid dreamed of. So, I turned to what I knew I loved, creating art, and all the intricacies of it. The idea of being a starving artist scares me, but the idea of living a life where I'm working in an industry I'm unhappy in scares me even more, so I'm determined to take the leap.

When I bought my first concept art book for a game I enjoyed as a child. I thought it was super impressive with the amount of work that goes into the industry and I was curious about what that would be as a job.

Maybe it was around middle school? I'd always had a passion for art, but it was then that I discovered I could do it for a living.

I've always been interested in art from a young age, along with an interest in sci-fi, fantasy, and horror. As I progressed my skill I knew that I wanted to pursue something in the entertainment industry.

When I first played OFF the RPG in 2016

I wanted to create engaging art that inspire others to create . I want to build worlds and stories through characters and environments. Art College is my first step in perusing that goal.

I think the first time I began to legitimately consider going into creative media was sometime in my last two years of high school, especially after being accepted to art school. I've been drawing since I was a kid and I think on some level, have never really authentically considered a career that didn't at least engage with art on some level. While I considered going into biology in junior high, I think I've pretty much always been drawn to the arts.

I knew from a very young age that I wanted to tell stories through art. Growing up with games and theatre, I developed a passion for creating my own stories. Around my junior year in highschool, I became more aware of the field of Concept Art and knew that the job aligned with how I create.