Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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I have always loved being creative and producing art yet also have a love for Maths and Physics. Design, for me, was the perfect way to combine my artistic and logical skills and do something I really enjoy.

When I was 8 I wanted to be an actor. While I've moved on from that, I'd say I've known I want to work in creative industries since then, taking electives such as art, drama and design technology while at school. It wasn't until I was 17 that I realised that there was an intersection between engineering and filmmaking that fit with both that creative desire and my ability in STEM subjects.

Graduated with a First Class Honours in Graphic Communication and Illustration from Loughborough University. Heavily inspired by the Games Workshop and 80s fantasy artists; I want to drive my own projects which span from games to miniature models and explore my creativity.

I attended an open lecture on the use of Autodesk Maya in Game Design at a nearby university when I was about 13.