Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Jordan university of science and technology
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when i took my first 3d maya class and made my first model , it was very exciting and i knew then that am going to be a 3d modelar or animator . it started as a goal i want to reach and turned into a passion and love .

I started drawing at a young age, it is something I love so currently I am studying multimedia, deep down I always knew that my life would be linked to art.

when I finished high school and start applying to university I hear about VFX companies and how movies effects are made so I decided to study something relevant to this industry and now I have an animation degree

I was always so fascinated by animation and still am. Working in this field makes me smile uncontrollably. I started my career as a visual and motion designer a year ago. and then I realized what path makes me think, dream, and create the new.