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As a child, I wondered how those dinosaurs were able to act and interact with humans on television. I used to ask my father how they did that. He told me it was computer magic. Ever since then, I've been interested in the world of 3D. Two years ago, I finally got a laptop and then started learning Blender. Now I want to make talking dinosaurs of my own.

During high school i was really into art. I used to create potrait sketches of friends. After finishing my high school i wanted to learn more about arts so i joined my bachelors in multimedia technology where i learned about the creative industry so my journey begin.

Back when I was 16 years old, I was (and still am) a huge movie and video games fanatic. I was more interested in the behind the scenes of the media rather than the actual product itself. That is when I realized that this is an actual career that I can have and have been interested ever since. I love creating 3D environments as I see it as a way of bringing my imagination to life.

First time seeing the amazing Spider-Man. Got into it after seeing Sir Wade's video.

I have always been interested in animations and cartoons ever since I was a child. It was always so interesting and fun to watch. At that time, I started thinking of being able to work in an animation movie myself. So when it was time for me to search colleges for my bachelors education, I came across Islington College. There I was introduced to the world of animation. I completed my Bachelor's Degree from Islington college in Multimedia Technologies.

My fascination for the entertainment industry began at the age of 16 when I was introduced to the world of 3D art. My interests only grew more as the years went by. As I kept watching movies and played video games, my list of inspirations only kept growing larger and I wish to, one day, become an industry professional.