Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Institut Desgraff
Round of applause for our sponsors

I wanted to work in the field during my whole life. I just never thought I could. Ive been an industrial mecanic during many years and thought I should do something else. I ended going to art school and found that I have a certain talent for hard edge modelling (guns, robots, spaceship..sci-fi stuff) probably because of my mecanic background. I always have been a gamer and like special effects in movies.

I wanted to work in the industry since I was trying to figure out how I can give life to my drawings. Because I am a big fan of monsters and creatures since I am a child, it was perfect for me to have a career in this industry. I can now see my drawings in 3 dimensions, and I can give them life by animating them.