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I realized I wanted to work in creative industries when I decided I wanted to immerse myself even further into these worlds. While playing games such as World of Warcraft or The Last of Us I’m always blown away by the beautiful environments that can take your breathe away. I realized I wanted to be part of buildings these worlds that players will get to play in and form great memories.

I first realized that I wanted to be in this industry over a year ago when my husband started working in SFX in the film industry. I quickly realized my passion for VFX, and so I decided to enroll in the Nuke Compositing Program through Hussian College/CG Sprectrum.

A few years back I realized I wanted to work in creative industries, I always loved getting lost in fantasy worlds and seeing the interesting characters and stories that inhabited them and thought it would be cool to create my own. My brother started doing this same thing before me and I think he really inspired me to begin trying to get into this industry. Initially I started learning on my own but later on I decided to enroll in a School that taught 3d Modelling to help solidify my knowledge.

I’ve loved drawing since I could hold a crayon and i was always obsessed with all things cartoon. It wasn’t till i was 12 that I realized I could actually do this as a career after watching a student’s animated film on YouTube that I decided that I want to be able to bring my silly weird ideas to reality too. I have been working on improving my skills ever since and am still excited to learn more!

My mom was an artist, so I knew I wanted to specialize in art since I was very young. I knew I wanted to be a part of something bigger.

Ever since I started drawing when I was kid I've wanted to create art that I can share with the world. When I reached junior high I made the decision to want to take my art seriously and want to get into a creative industry. I'm always inspired by different medias that I consume whether it's a video game or a movie, I've always said "Wow I want to be apart of that". I want to be part of something that inspires others just as others art has inspired me.

I've always had a deep love for art, games and film. Art is not only a medium for me to express my emotions, but also what motivates me to push my imagination to it's limits.

Everything started when I was 8 years old. I could spend hours looking at pictures, cartoons, anime, etc: trying to portray them as accurately as possible. I've had a love-hate relationship with art since I grew up on a small island with little to no guidance. Drawing was a way for me to cope with the bullying and outcasting I constantly had to endure. I was the author of my own world and rules. Characters/Environments coming to life fascinates me. I want to inspire and fascinate others too!