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One day I watched the film Army of the Dead and I looked at how they made the film and that's when I saw that a large part of the film was made in 3d.

I've always been interested in art in general but I was concerned to pursue a career in it because of how complicated it can be to find a job in this field, especially where I live. That is the reason why I started studying other professions, but eventually, I realised I wasn't feeling fulfilled in them. I craved art. And so, in 2017, I decided to start learning computer graphics at a university from which I graduated as valedictorian.

During my studies, when I discover the power of 3D modeling and animation. Then during the first year of my job, I discover real time engin with Unity and I know that I wanted to work on this !

I first started creating irl, woodworking, repairs etc. Then I discovered the world of 3D, Animation and Motion Design and instantly fell in love.