Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: HELHa (Haute Ecole de Louvain en Hainaut)
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I always wanted to be part of major productions and see how it works.

depuis la fin de mes études de graphismes.

I would like to work in this industries because there are much opportunities, there are still things to do and it is very intersting. Else project is a project that need to be realized

I always wanted to do something that can entertain people, and when i was a child, cartoons and animations movies was a dream for me. Then I realise that I can study here in the same country where I live but without paying to much.

I realized that I wanted to enter the world of 3D animation when I started going to see movies in theaters frequently. I asked myself the question: "How did they manage to do that? How does it work? ..." And I am a fan of video games which also pushed me to launch out in these studies.

For 2 or 3 years, when I discover my first editing software. Subsequently, I be interested in 3D modeling, animation and CGI.

When I discorver the disney movie Dinosaur from 2000.

I was maybe 16 years old when I realized I wanted to share my creativity with peoples. That's when I discovered CGI.

I've always been passionate about art and computers. So I've been looking for a job that could link the two. Since my childhood, and rocked by them, I have always been passionate about animated films. What could be better than wanting to make it my profession !