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I get my inspiration through fantasy games like Sly Cooper, and Darksiders. I love the unique nature of angular and cartoony designs.

Ever since the day I first picked up a pencil, I have been in love with drawing and creating other visual art mediums. I realized I wanted to work in the industries when I was a kid watching Classic 2D animated movies wondering, "how the heck did they do that?"

I decided I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment before I went to university in 2013.

During my childhood years, I was inspired by VFX works of Jurassic Park, which happens to involve Dinosaur animations in the scenes and how the Atomic Breath was edited in the Godzilla films. In 2020, I tried out on After Effects for the first time, the first project was the Atomic Breath attack with my '85 Godzilla figure.

It was a couple years ago that I wanted to work in the creative business and be a part of the entertainment industry.

Watching old gangster movies with my dad as a teenager and subsequently tracking down every old/classic movie I could find.

I've always been fascinated by films. At first, I'd just watch them as everyone else does, but as I grew up I started noticing the things most people don't notice. Be it connections shared by similar plots, how actors might work very similar or very different roles and noticing small errors that the editors didn't catch, I've had an eye for details and connections that few catch. My parents kept telling me how that sort of talent was helpful to studios, so here I am trying to learn all I can.

When I was 15 years old I realized that what I want to pursue for my career was animation and to be able to put things into the digital realm and being able to manipulate it.