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Around 8 or 9 years old when my brother was playing video games with me as a kid. I was amazed by the sheer amount of talent and fun that could be had from an artistic or creative experience. From then on I've tried to become apart of the experience.

Before changing majors and when game design was first being offered in colleges.

I've always been interested in art, and I finally made the push to be an artist the second I found someone who was incredibly good at drawing. So I picked it up and tried to learn as much as I can while doing it. I'm still learning but I'm eager to get more work done modeling , texturing, drawing and painting.

Played video games and watch movies when I young. Most of the time I study them, after I played for an hour. Looking at asset patterns, backgrounds, animations and details in the environment. After graduated high school, I bought Half-Life 2. Found out I can create my own environment using their Hammer SDK. I was obsessed learning the tool and able to create a single player game to share.