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I Decided to work in this industry when i was very young and I seen for the first time the world of animation. seeing anime and disney movies make me feel very attract to the preproduction of these kind of work. When I was teenager I studied animation, but thanks for one subject that I loved, I decided study Concept Art

As a hobby I've always liked design and creating awesome images, but as an artist I also love telling stories with light, color, and composition.

When I was working on the final Project at 3D Animation career. I was at the concept moment of my final project and I saw that I like it a lot when I was creating the concepts.

When I played "Shadow of the Colossus" as a kid, I knew I wanted to be an artist. After a long journey over the years, I discovered the world of concept art for video games, and ever since, I've been fully committed. I'm so passionate about problem-solving and additionally, I dream of surrounding myself with people better than me to learn to the fullest.

I realized that I wanted to work in the creative industry when I was 16 years old, a friend told me that people can do art for a living by creating stuff and I loved that idea, so I embraced it.

I was finishing my Marine Biology thesis and I had a life crisis because lab work didn't fulfill me. I love nature and science, but I realized that I love more telling stories about nature and its wonders. The next year I started studying illustration and I clearly saw that art can be an actual job and that I wanted to be part of it!

It just came naturally, since I've always loved drawing, animation and videogames. Maybe the first time I realised I wanted to work as a creative was when, as a little kid, I figured how the games and movies I loved where made. A ton of people poured their hearts in them! It was amazing to know that a creative team could do such amazing feats, and I wanted to take part in that. Slowly but surely I kept drawing and drawing, with the goal of pouring my heart into something that other people enjoy!

I know it since I was 15, I started to take it very seriously at 19.

A few years ago, while I was studying to be a biologist, I felt that art was my way, and after finishing my degree I went back and grabbed the pencil.