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J'ai réalisé que je voulais travailler dans ce milieu lors de ma reconversion professionnelle. Anciennement pâtissière, j'ai ensuite suivi une prépa d'art généraliste où j'ai pu tester l'animation, et c'est ainsi que l'intérêt m'est venu.

Hi, my name is Camila HAMRA, I’m 23 years old and I’m a master student in 3d animation in ECV paris. My specilaties are modeling and surfacing ... Since I was little I always loved drawing ,creating stories and watching cartoons. That’s why I naturally went to the animation’s field. Later with my studies, I learned 3D and immediatly loved it. My style is rather cartoon or semi realist but I’m open and curious to any style, technic or media as well.

I realized I wanted to work in a creative industry when I realized I could combine two of my passions: drawing and filmmaking. I made my choice in high school when I realized that drawing as a career would be what would make me the happiest.

When I was in college.

I have always loved to create from a very young age. I went into animation film studies to make children dream one day, as i was able to dream.

Since I was a child I was always doodling. However I did lost the passion for a while...But in secondary school I was fascinated by League of legends and their Login Screen . And that's how I wanted to work in creative industries.

A few years back when I was an au pair in Manchester, UK.

I’ve always loved creating, I have many passions but this is the thing I’ve always wanted to pursue the most.

Au collège, j'ai commencé à vouloir élevé mon dessin et me tourner vers de nouvelles techniques.