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I wanted to work in the field of entertainment and more particularly 3D when I discovered when I was a child the making off of movies and at the same time 3D

When I played video games when I was a kid. I really like the graphics and I always looking for create character or a world from scratch but not with traditional way . Combine 2D and 3D it was the best things that I found.

In my first High School in Mechanical Engineering, i discover CAD softwares and after a sabbatical year, i decide to do a new formation in 3D RealTime

Since I was a child, I have always admired the work done by Dreamworks pixar etc. I always knew that I wanted to go into a field of digital art, CGI etc.

Growing up I've always been fascinated by traditionally animated films and video game art, and drawing has always been a passion of mine. What was once a simple hobby quickly developed into a deeper interest, from which point I tried to learn more about art and began to practice with digital art. I want to continue developing my skills, and to create as much as possible. Most of what I do nowadays leans more toward stylized portraiture, but I've started experimenting with concept art as well.

It was only two years ago

After enjoying my youth watching Disney features and games I always loved how the medium of Animation brings ideas to life and easy to understand and empathize with. Ever since then I've been longing and learning more about this industry. I have a Bachelor in Graphic Design from Faculdade de Belas Artes and developed Animation and Game art skills in my recent graduated HND Animation and Video games from ETIC