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I knew I wanted to work in this field when I was in college thanks to Tim Burton's movies . After that, this idea was confirmed by seeing the movie Minuscule.

Lorsque j'ai joué à des jeux vidéos et que je me suis, par la suite, intéressée aux différents travaux des artistes ayant participés aux développements techniques mais également artistiques.

In middle school, I started my art journey by making fanarts of my favorite animated characters. Now, I aspire to be part of the industry that inspired me.

I start to realise that i want to work in creative industry when i discover than i really like draw and animate, with a pencil or with a computer. Later, after watching some animation who are been create by animation students, i realize that i want also to

I started my student life as a UX/UI student. During this course, I discovered 3D and immediately fell in love with its workflow and possibilities. So, I decided to redirect myself and ESMA became my new cruise. I really enjoy texturing, shading, lookdev, but I have a special affection for animation and I would like to make it my career.

Discovering animation in middle school, through a captivating documentary about a prestigious studio, sparked my interest. Inspired by an acquaintance already studying animation, I'm now dedicated to pursuing it as my career. Every day, I work towards becoming a successful animation creator, mindful of the challenges but inspired by the opportunities in this dynamic field.

Art has always been my passion. Since my childhood, I have been fascinated by everything it encompasses: painting, cinema, music. I have always had a thirst for learning and understanding this universe. That's why it was obvious for me to choose to work in this field. It is where I find my true inspiration and joy.

I've always been passionate of art, but it was in high school that I discovered the world of 3D animation and that I wanted to do this in the futur.

I realized 5 years ago that I wanted to work in animation, because this line of work gathers my two passions: graphic arts and cinema. I've always really enjoyed drawing and creating my own universes, and bringing those ideas to life always attracted me.

after my art class when i was in high school

I have always been interested in art in general but my interest for 3D art and movies really started to grow when my sister was studying in 3D. I began learning about the industry, what goes into making a movie and all the steps around it and I found it fascinating. I started to look at movies a totally different way and became aware of all the 3D contents that surrounds us.

I realized I wanted to work in animation when I was young. I had this visceral desire to share my stories with others, so for a long period of my life, I dedicated my evenings after school to 2D animation on YouTube. After three years of creating videos, I decided that I wanted to work as a 3D animator to continue telling stories through character movement.

Since i'm a kid, i always been fascinated by animation movies and the beauty of it. But by the time passed, i actually thought that it was too beautiful for me. But when i had to choose a university, i decided to take the risk to postulated at the ESMA school, and take back the art of drawing that i let down years ago.

My oldest memory about the subject goes back to my 4 years when I went to see the indestructible in the cinema, my parents saw me, starry-eyed, telling them that later I would also like to do "that" by showing the credits of the end of the film. After years of school reorientation, I finally decided to make my childhood dream a reality and give everything I have to achieve it.