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Je suis fils d’artisan chaudronnier métallier d'arts, ce qui m’a permis de grandir dans des ateliers où j’ai pu développer ma créativité et donc cet amour pour l’architecture.

I love cartoons, comics and video games. I've always dreamt of producing mine.

I have always loved drawing and creating my own stories. I loved to push myself to draw more all so that I could better illustrate my own characters and creatures. This is when I realised that I would like to work in creative industries.

It's been a passion since childhood.

When I was in school, many pushed me to follow my artistic talent, as I did not really know what to do in life at the time that's exactly what i did. However I realised that it was something i loved and that by working with such devotion I never get tired of working at all, at the end of the day living out of my passion is one of the most fullfilling part of my life.

Après un parcours varié où j’ai acquis divers compétences, j’étais à la recherche du juste milieu entre créativité, réflexion et impact. J'ai trouvé cet équilibre dans le graphisme. Quand j’ai entendu parlé de l’ESMA et de la section design graphique, ça a été le déclic et l’évidence. Ayant grandi dans une famille d'artistes qui m’a toujours sensibilisée aux arts visuels, j’ai acquis une culture et une fibre créative essentielle dans ce métier qui m'a donné l"envie de faire un métier créatif.

J'ai toujours senti depuis petite fille mon attrait pour la création artistique. Après mon baccalauréat, j'ai expérimenté différents métiers dans la vente avant de me réorienter dans une année préparatoire en design à L'ESMA. À l'issue de cette année de découverte, j'ai tout de suite su que j'étais faite pour le design graphique.

Dès mon plus jeune âge, j'ai été passionné par le dessin et la création. En poursuivant mes études en communication et en marketing, j'ai réalisé que cette inclination pour la création artistique devait être intégrée à ma carrière professionnelle. C'est ainsi que je me suis orienté vers le graphisme et la direction artistique.

Dès le lycée, je savais que je voulais intégrer une école de design car ce secteur m'as toujours attiré.

J'ai su que je voulais être dans la communication en BTS en option management et le graphisme à la fac.

Depuis que je suis petite. La création, notamment le dessin, le maquillage et la vidéo, ont toujours fait partie de mes plus grandes passions. Je pense que cela a toujours été une évidence pour moi d'en faire mon métier.

I thought about it watching frozen when i was about 10 and being mesmerized by the entire movie.

When I was in college I discovered blender and then I joined Esma and it became my passion

I always liked playling video games when growing up, and all I did was draw, so i thought that it could be cool combining the two things i did and liked the most, so I figured this out graduating from highscool.

I realize i wanted to work in game industries many years ago. I've always love games, not only playing them, but knowing how people did things like Naratio or Level Design. To undertand how to transmit a message, a feeling or simply make people have fun, is a real passion for me.

I've always wanted to work in this industry, as far back as I can remember it must date back to the first time I played a game, when I was 5 years old. Time has passed and that hasn't changed, which is why I'm here today.

I've been into video games since I was 5, and working in the video game industry was the thing I always wanted to, and playing & studying video games since that time helped me to see this big world that hides behind the screen.

I did throughout my childhood create various game rules and universes that I mostly kept to myself has a hobby and never seriously considered working in the video game industry even though I poured my heart in every project. It's only very recently that I joined a school to work in this industry and reunite with my past self.

I realized I wanted to work in the industry when I first played Horizon Zero Dawn. Because I was impressed by the immersion created by the story, the artistic direction and the atmosphere of the game.

I understood that I could never work professionally if I didn't have fun

I was drawing since i was very young, id spend all my time on it. Moreover, all that time i spent drawing made me realise how much id like to use my skills to make things to good use. I manage to make stories and use my creativity into making interesting scenarios. And then drawing then makes them come to life wich is quite satisfying.

When i knew i wanted to make my life about creating things