Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Since i was memory. The movies and the videogames are a big part of my life and i really love knowing more and more about them.

I realised that i wanted to be technical artist when i discovered the middle point betwen art actitudes and technical ones

Since I was a kid, I loved anything art related. I was always interested in animation but realised that I wanted to get into VFX after interning at an HBO Max production in 2022 where I learned 2D visual effects and compositing.

Since I was a child, I loved videogames and animated films. And I want to create new pieces for other people

Since I was young I have wanted to work in the film industry and before finishing my basic studies I decided to focus my career on post-production.

I've always wanted to work in the film industry, but it wasn't until I was 16 years old when I realice it was a real option.

I have always been interested in art and audiovisual fields. For the past few years, I've been focusing more deeply on these topics. I feel like I have found my vocation and I enjoy the work I do.

I decided I would like to work in this industry when I played my first video game.

When I started drawing as a child