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Transitioning from sports to 2D animation in high school really did it all for me. 6-8 years later and I am still honing my craft ad getting closer to making the projects I want to make.

I have always wanted to do animation stuff it was anything serious to me till around 2 years ago when i moved to the USA from Vietnam. That is when I see the opportunity to follow this path as my professional career.

I've always wanted to create art, when I was in kindergarden I remember dressing up as an artist for my future career

I knew when I went to a week long iD tech camp at Villanova University back in 2015. Here at this camp I learned about a little software called Autodesk Maya, where I learned that you can create and animate anything you can think of. It was through that camp that I realized that I could one day be a part of the entertainment industry that I have come know and love through countless movies, films, and games.

When I was younger, I was a huge fan of video games and tried making Minecraft mods. That's when I learned that I like to program and wanted to make games that others can enjoy just as much as I did.

I loved doing random creative projects for as long as I can remember but especially so during high school. Games were my passion but I didn't really find out that audio was what I truly wanted to focus on until a couple of years ago. Now I am doing sound design for a few projects and I am a musician/music producer/DJ on the side.

I've been interested in game development since I first learned how to program in Scratch as a child. I deal more with programming and mechanic concepts than art, though.

At around the age of 14, I grew a curiosity to experiment with level design inside of Valve's Source Engine. From that point on, a seed had sprouted into something way more than I ever had imagined, and I don't regret a single aspect of it. I love making things, and I love creating connections with my audiences.

From a young age, I remember spending countless days playing games and watching shows with my brother. I was always enamored with the character designs and how cool they were to me. I loved to scribble my own interpretations of the characters and even tried making my own OCs. In high school, I began taking art commissions and built up a space on Twitter where I could share my love for the characters of games I played and shows I watched. When I graduated, I decided to pursue my artist dream!

I had a passion for creating art as a child and up until this point, I have pursued further exploration as a 3D artist. When creating artistic assets, I simply have fun and strive to gain more of that experience. Furthermore, I want to bring the same experiences to the audience and influence more people to pursue art in different aspects.

Even at a young age, I knew I wanted a career as an artist but I've moved through different mediums throughout my life. When I was first starting elementary school, I was dead set on being a painter since then I've developed a deep love for anything digital art. I started getting more invested in 2D and 3D animation but was scared off for awhile by the idea of committing to an artistic career. It took awhile for me to wrap my head around it but I've never been more confident in my choice.

I loved drawing and crafts growing up, so I always knew that I wanted to pursue some sort of creative field. It probably wasn't until I was in high school and watched a collection of Pixar shorts that sparked my interest in the animation industry. I was not only drawn to the stories, but all the detailed, technical work that went into production.

I think I always knew I would work in a creative industry, I just never knew which one until I had an internship with a local fashion brand in my junior year of high school. Fashion was creative, but still practical in a way that I loved and after that I couldn't imagine doing anything else with my life.

I went to school for mechanical engineering and realized that I wanted to do something more exciting and creative.

When I was in middle school, I first understood the power of creativity to channel a soul connection. After establishing a relationship with my former art teachers, I realized that I not only wanted to pursue art professionally, but I needed to in order to be fulfilled. Fashion design specifically spoke to me, as I was inspired by the way clothes helped people better connect with and express themselves.

When I was young, I always wanted to create exciting and engaging experiences for other people.

As I learned to code, I found that I had the most fun when creating visual results. My earliest projects included creative coding: illustrating algorithms and mathematical wonders. This evolved into my passion to program for and create games, the perfect combination of technical and aesthetic challenges.

Since I was a child I liked to draw, so I always persuaded this. I did not know exactly in which creative industry I would go, so first I graduate in Art History, in which I had a lot of cultural baggage, and now I am a graduate student in Fashion Design.