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I've been playing games since was little. Most of the time didn't care sO much about the development side of video games. Later in the years started wondering how and why it was taking so long to create games. My curiousity started to skyrocket and started looking into the subject more. When I was done with High school enrolled at the Deltion college in Zwolle. Where discoverd my passion about 3D art and video game development in general.

I just really liked games so I wanted to become a programmer. Turns out I liked making 3d assets a lot more.

When I saw what CG could do in movies and started to realise how it worked and how this was created I got really excited about it. When it was time for me to pick a study this game first to mind and I´m in my last year right now.

when i was 8, i always wanted to something related to games but i was never on the art side until recently when i fell in love with character art.

I always liked creating things and when I started my study in game development that really came to light, naturally I am drawn to the creative media and the entertainment industry to show what I've learned in my study.

Formerly, I was pretty addicted to gaming. I used to play a specific game called Skyrim and pretty close to it's release and soon after the studio released their game engine called Creation Kit. The default assets available weren't enough for me and that made me download a free 3D modelling software and before I knew it I found myself absorbed in what I love to do; Creating great models.