Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: De Anza College
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I got into Blender in 7th grade and just couldn't get enough. I spent a ton of time learning and messing around with it. By the time I hit my senior year, I knew I wanted to turn my hobby into a job. I'm passionate about VFX and 3D, it's my love and joy.

I've always been mesmerized by art since I was a young child. After working for a few years in the wrong industry, I re-discovered by love for art.

I realized I want to work in this industry when I was taking my 3D modeling class, I'm a very beginner in 3D modeling and use Maya for the first time and I'm surprised by the effectiveness of 3D software. It allows animator and designer to create various effects and there are many online tutorials which are easy to get started.