Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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i always knew that the entertainment industry was the place for me. Growing up i always was looking for a way to understand how my favorite video game was made how everything was created.

I came across a Youtube Zbrush timelapse when I was 13 and immediately knew this would be my dream job. I've always been into drawing dinosaurs at a young age and 3D art for games seemed like the natural evolution of this interest. It is the perfect combination of technical problem solving and artistic creation for me, merging two skills I love improving and refining.

I don't think there was a precise time that I wanted to work in the entertainment industry. Since I was young, I just always drew or painted anywhere I could and I was addicted to movies and video games. It has always felt like I wanted to work for Hollywood movies or big video game companies. It was a no brainer for me to pursue working in this industry.