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I have always loved art and creating .

When I was in middle school I would create physics-based Youtube intros on a "completely legitimate" version of Cinema 4D. From that point on, I didn't realize how badly I wanted to work in the industry but the desire was always there. I did not see the opportunity until a couple years ago to actively pursue my interests as a career.

I have always wanted to be in the creative media every since I was a child but due to circumstances, I had to move along different career paths. However at 22, I decided to quit my 9-5 job in India, get back to art and devoted all the time to create a portfolio. This resulted in me joining Clemson University for the DPA program and my new artistic journey.

A few years ago when i started coding i thought it would be fun to design video games, then I started to learn maya almost a year ago and I knew animation and rigging was where i wanted to go.