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I’ve been in love with animation for as long as I can remember from the games I would play to the films and TV I grew up idolizing. Animation showed me I could take my love for subtle character moments and bombastic action and make it my career. I can’t wait to get out in the field to one day inspire others to create.

As a kid I always loved drawing and thinking of stories in my head. In middle school I realized animation would be a good industry to get into to and knew from there I wanted to pursue it!

In 2019 when I started learning how to draw, it was something I was already passionate about and something I almost didn't even consider as a possibility.

I realized I wanted to do animation when I attended high school and took an animation class, which really helped carve out my journey into 2d animation!

Around the ninth grade, I got into animated content on YouTube, and that sparked my interest in the profession.

I have Been interested in art since I was a child but the first time I actually considered it as a career path was in grade seven. Touring a local college I discovered an animation class and the idea of being able to work on media I love, and I have been hooked ever since.

I always have wanted to work in a creative field however i just choose this path a few years ago.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do in high school, but I went to a career fair and learned that this profession existed and it just clicked. I'd always been interested in art but it never seemed feasible until I learned about 3D modelling.