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I always loved video games like the Legend of Zelda, League of Legends, and many more; they were my solace. I only found out through the anime New Game that there are career opportunities as an artist in the video game industry. Ever since then I've been determined to learn the craft as a game artist.

Ever since then I loved to play different kinds of video games and because of that I enrolled in a course that focuses on one. This course is called Bachelor of Science in Entertainment Multimedia Computing which specialized in Game Development and Design. As my journey in college goes on, I realized that I wanted to focus more on becoming a Game Artist and not as a Programmer. To use this medium to express and share an unforgettable story using my art.

I realized that I wanted to work in creative industries when I was first immersed into video games and animation films at the age of 5

I was 17 when I first stumbled upon FZD's Design Cinema and from there I walked this path.

Back in 2014. I was initially studying Pharmacy but I was terrible at chemistry. I decided to go back to my old childhood passion in arts.

I only really decided on it when i was an undergrad in Civil Engineering, i shifted to another school and majored in Multimedia Arts. But even long before that i have always been interested in the field, the game industry just was not big enough at the time, that i think most people didn't realize video games were made by people and that they got paid for it.