Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: CG Masters School of 3D Animation & VFX
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I think my journet began when one of my aunts bought me a lego set as a gift and when my mother gave me a Nintendo 64 with Super Mario 64 as a birthday present. I've always liked to build things, from lego sets to model kits and the 3D world offered me a new whole world of new tools to build whatever I have on mind. So here I am, on a journey to make a living from my passion.

In my early teens, anime had found its way into my life and I was completely sucked into it. So, when I asked myself the question "what I wanted to be in life?" It was clear to me that I wanted to create entertainment similar to that of the anime I watched. Initially, the profession which struck out the most was to me 2D Animator. Which was my gateway into the creative industry and the reason why I started to learn how to draw/animate. And eventually find myself in the VFX industry...

I am facinated with sci-fi from a very young age. Watching Stargate SG-1 with my dad every sunday was certainly the biggest catalyst for that. After a few years of college in science I realized this was not something for me and I transitioned to a concept art course where I got in touch with the course VFX. Loving tv I fell in love with compositing , this resulting into a move to Vancouver and pursuing my dream of working in the industry to create the very series and films I love so much.