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after graduating from high school in 2017, i decided that i really like anything related to 3d design.

Desde pequeño, siempre me ha gustado dibujar a mis personajes favoritos de comics, videojuegos, películas... De ahí surgió mi interés de querer adentrarme en la industria de creación de contenido artístico, y aunque en un principio solo me gustaba dibujar y quería trabajar de concept artist, poco a poco me fue adentrando en el mundo de 3D que me ha encantado.

Ever since I was a kid, I've had a deep love for video games, particularly admiring level and environment design. The idea of crafting my own levels for beloved games like CS:GO and Call of Duty has always captivated me. It was at that moment I realized I wanted to pursue a career in a related field, and so I began my learning journey.

I have always been interested in interior design and the best way to represent the ideas in my head is through the creation of professional and creative images.

Since I was a child I have always liked to create, to create anything. When I studied graphic design, I realized that I was really interested in creating images and giving them life, giving the images a touch of surrealism, called "magical realism" (literary and pictorial movement that emerged in the twentieth century). From that moment on, I knew that this was what I wanted to dedicate myself to for the rest of my life.

When I started to get interested in the 3d world I was fascinated by the realism of some scenes and wanted to learn how to do it myself.

Since I started practising 3d in my course.

When I finished my university studies and obtained my degree as an interior designer I decided to enter the world of virtual reality and photorealism. In such a digital and globalised world, I feel that the 3D tool is a way to differentiate myself from the rest.

I always liked videogames and animation films. The enviroments and places in which they take place, both real and imaginary, have always caught my attention. When i finished highschool, I was certain that that field of studies was what i wanted to do, but it wasn't until I found out that there existed degrees on 3D animation and architectual visualisation when I decided that I wanted to follow them as my career path.

Durante mi formación académica en Diseño de Interiores en la Universidad.

I have always been interested in design software, and when I found out that I could study a degree in 3D modeling and design, I knew I would like it. Moreover, while studying it, I realized how much I liked taking pictures of buildings and landscapes, and that led me to specialize in architectural visualization.

When I was a kid I used to take my father's camera and I loved to take pictures of landscapes, buildings, etc. But that was no longer enough for me and I wanted to create those scenarios at my whim so I started to model them in 3D.

I realized that this would be my job when I saw for the first time how a video game was developed.

I always thought about it.

As a little boy, I used to research different architects. I was thrilled to find the differences between contemporaries. At the same I've always been into animation movies, particularly the Pixar world. So I started to study and found out the world of 3D. I was immediately captivated by all the possibilities. I was able to reflect anything in my mind, the limit was just my imagination. It was then that I realized I wanted to devote my life to it and started to specialize in 3D.

One day, the summer after graduating in industrial design engineering, I found myself applying for jobs in architectural visualization. I found the job so creative that could perfectly complement my knowledge. I realised this could be a thing for me, so I decided to study a master and now here I am.