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I had always been someone that would draw instead of write when trying to express myself from a young age. I loved to watch and analyze a lot of animated and computer-generated media. Then near the end of my freshman year of high school, I realized that I wanted to work in a creative field. Thanks to the "How to Train your dragon" series. It made me think about all the things that I enjoyed and what inspired me to keep creation art.

I realized I wanted to work in the created industry when the first transformers came out in 2007. Seeing how a alien robot can transform into a car while having human characteristics was spectacular to look at.

I've been drawing cartoons and original characters since I was 3 years old, but I first realized I wanted to be an Animator when I discovered online creators on YouTube and NewGrounds.

I realized this when I was about 14 years old when I began writing a story that would eventually turn into my personal webcomic. I began animating when I was 11, and drawing since I was practically in diapers. Though I've gone through many different forms of art in my life, I always knew that I wanted to be an artist professionally.

I decided to work in the creative industry after I took an intro to 3D modeling class. My insta is

I realized in 8th grade that I had a passion in the arts for creating a wide range of media.