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As an only child raised in rural TN, animation became freedom of thought & perception. Whether it was animated TV shows from PBS (Clifford, Sagwa, Martha Speaks) or old Disney VHS tapes my family found on consignment, those films were armor for my mind & heart against a weird & confusing world that didn’t always make sense as a kid. Discovering animation outside the US (thanks to GKIDS) showed me how animation can heal & transcend boundaries, connecting us with other viewers globally.

It was in high school that my teachers started to show me art that could be done digitally. This is when I realized that I had fun doing this type of art and started to want to work in this field. I first started as a Graphic Designer and then have now moved into the Animation side of things for the past 3-4 years.

I started a design & printing business in 2012, I dove into graphic design & created my first clothing brand. In 2015 I had the opportunity to organize a fashion show with dancers, models, and dabbled somewhat in animation, it was an unforgettable experience. That's when I first realized I wanted to pursue more work with creative media.

I've always known I wanted to be an artist but I knew I wanted to be an animator when I learned how cartoons are made from Mr. Rogers. He guest starred in the cartoon Arthur on PBS kids and afterwards he explained how he was turned into a cartoon character. Now that I knew this wasn't just magic, it was something I could be when I grew up, I decided to be an animator. I was 5. In college I've explored other options but it wasn't worth all the ramen so I dedicated myself animation once again.