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Ever since I was a child, animation and video games were a passion for me to enjoy and a way of telling stories, taking you to worlds and living in them through the eyes of these characters.I always admired the ammount of work and dedication that goes into a single design and it's motivated me to try and learn of the craft.

At the age of 14, upon playing Destiny for the first time, I was captivated by its visual aesthetics, gameplay, and narrative depth. Despite pursuing studies outside of game development and serving in the military, my passion persisted. In August 2021, I made the choice to pursue my journey as a 3D artist, delving into the dynamic and diverse world of the game industry.

The allure of the creative industries captivated me, promising to transform unique ideas into impactful creations. Fueled by a deep desire for success and the aspiration to create admired work, I embraced the dynamic field's perpetual quest for knowledge. Recognizing my innate talents added purpose to this journey. Essentially, the combination of success, admiration, knowledge, and the hardworked skills already within me became the driving force behind my decision.

I first realized I wanted to work in game dev when I first played Half-Life 2. I had played games my whole life yet when I played HL2 I felt something I had never felt before. It made me start fantazing about making my own games and telling my own stories.

Around 10th grade i started learning music production, then later in college realized that I enjoy many more aspects of this industry.I found myself learning 3d on my 2nd year at uni and instantly fell in love, it wasn't my major, but I couldn't help myself to learn more on my own with the assistance of some of my teachers. I tend to enjoy the journey more than the destination, so I tend to want to know all the ins and outs of all aspects of media creation.

Was twenty years ago when i live wasn't a Creative Media school in that moment. Then in 2010 i knew about Atlantic University College, a college when i studied game art and development and in 2017 i reached my bachelor . Then i was interested in the Graphic Arts and decided to make my Master in Graphic arts with specialty in Graphic Design.

Ever since I was little I've always been artistic. I mostly loved drawing characters, creating stories for them, and just overall express my feelings through art. Also, video games were my escapism. To immerse myself in another world, grow attached to characters and their stories, at some point sparked the urge of being a part that. So, in my senior year, I decided to combine both of the things I love and dedicate my life to them as a career.