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Search Filters: Arts University Plymouth
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I've been interested in a creative career for quite some time, following in the footsteps of my family, however I wasn't sure which sector. I decided on film, tv or games upon picking up digital art in sixth form while taking Film Studies.

Going into the creative industry has been a relatively recent development in my life, I started out with a huge interest in Sciences specifically Physics, I did very well in all the sciences in school however due to Covid I didn't get my grades and had to change my path. when I was 15 going to college I decided to go into the creative industry as a 3D artist with a focus on 3D engines and modelling which I have been doing for 5 years.

From my early years, I've been hooked on art and games. I took my passion to college and then university, where I studied both subjects. Mixing art techniques into game visuals gets me buzzing. It's like unlocking a whole new level of creativity where I can blend my two loves into something amazing. I am now an artist and lecturer, whose work mainly focuses on the creation of environments and props from fictional worlds.

I first realised that I wanted to work in the creative industry when I was in school. I always loved drawing but I had no idea there were opportunities to study it further in my life until someone told me one day during an open day that I can take it further. Here is a link to my artstation -

I am fascinated by designing and illustrating fictional worlds. As soon as I realised I could be a concept artist or illustrator, I knew I had to explore this pathway. Being a concept artist also allows me to combine my love for research and art. It's exciting to imagine my creations one day coming to life through games, film, animation or even comics.

When i was a child i would watch people play video games, especially ones that i couldn't play myself and seeing the effect that these games have on people and communities inspired me and this interest only grew once i started to play and enjoy games like The Last of Us, Control, Undertale and and draw myself.

From a young age in secondary school, I was always inspired by my favourite tv shows on cartoon network and Citv. I'd love watching the animations and the stories they'd produce and it made me set to create my own. I've always wanted to learn how to animate and for a while I taught myself from youtube videos. It went from that to going to university and realising my love for 3D animation that made me set on what I wanted to be, which was a 3D aniamtor for either film companies or game companies.

When i was in secondary, my brother went to art school and pursued concept art, i saw what he had achieved and wanted to be able to create things just as beautiful and being in the industry helps me do that while being able to support myself and socialise with other creatives. I like creating worlds and to help someone build their world is so exciting!

I always wanted to work in the Games Industry from a young age, but it was only in secondary school when I decided to move away from doing programming, and focused on Game Art.

I became a fan of games thanks to playing Zelda for the first time back in 2010. Twilight Princess blew my nine-year-old mind and I've been obsessed ever since. Since then, I think I decided the goal was to do something in games. Recently that's pivoted slightly into animation but I would still love to do something in either of those industries.

I've always wanted to work in the creative industry in some capacity, originally in graphic design but recently in game art.

I’ve always wanted to in some way or other. Most of my education previous to college and higher has been in music. I’m an interdisciplinary artist, I dabble in everything the same way that people like David Bowie. Of course I am not saying I am David Bowie but I see everything I do as being apart of my art process. Everything I see, hear, feel and experience can influence the materiality of the work just as much as it can influence the concept itself.

I've been an artist for as long as I could remember, having always drawn and wanted to develop my drawing. So it only seemed natural, especially as I delved into the world of digital art, that I start to pursue a career doing what I most enjoyed and was most passionate about.

Towards the end of secondary school, I discovered my passion for the gaming industry. This led me to enrol in a games technology course for college, where I learned the basics of game development. However, I soon realized my true passion lay in the creative side of game design. So, I transitioned to an artistic course at Arts University Plymouth, where I've been able to explore and nurture my love for shaping the style and visuals of games with my skills in modelling.

I have wanted to work within the creative industry since I was attending secondary school, and moved my goalpost towards concept art and the games industry during 2020 and 2021.

I always liked drawing and creating things, so it was obvious for me that I want to work in creative industries.

I've always been interested in drawing but when i started creating stories of my own and sharing them i wanted to into an industry where i can share my passions.

Ever Since i was young, i always had the hope of one day creating a character with the potentiality of being as iconic as the mascots i was playing as on my consoles, characters like sonic were a big drive to my creative passion as i was growing up, Creating and experimenting with character designs is a big way for me to express my ideas.

I've always been looking to work with art, but took a long time to narrow down to digital creative careers. It's been an amazing journey rediscovering my passion for art with it since, and I'm passionate to expand a ton of skillsets to open even newer doors for me.