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I always desired to work in creative industries. I was that weird kid drawing in every notebook, though it just wasn't engaging enough for me so I frequently stopped drawing for long periods of time. I got to see ZBrush for the first time in 2019 and it was something surreal for me, but at that time I didn't have resources to actually work with it. Now in 2023 I promised myself that I'll finally fully dedicate myself to the industry that I'm really passionate about.

The first time I realized that I want to work in entertainment industry was 4 years ago in my 22, when I have been studying in university. I have been studying applied physics in National Polytechnic Institute when one day I realized that I don't want to do that anymore. I thought about what I could do in my life and I remembered that I have always been very artistic person interested in movies, games and such things. That's how I decided that one day I will be 3D animator.

My first animation was created when I was 10. I used Paint for drawing each frame and ACDsee as a sequencer. I have higher education in Economics, graduated Art School (Music Department), completed Filmmaking course and now I'm studying 3D motion graphics and VFX.

It's been 2 years ago when i meet AE for the first time. I love VFX for whole my life but creating them was real pleasure for me)