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I first realized that I wanted to work in 3D Animation industries when I was 23 years old. It's been two years since I learned animation.

I realized that I wanted to become a professional 3D animator when I was at the University. I started off with a game design major but I found out that I was more into the artist role. I tried few different roles but I ultimately decided to go with animation, which I am really passionate about.

when i was kid. i really love Lego and drawing. I loved being able to make something with my own hands. I liked the feeling of being stimulated by the limits of my imagination. As I got older, I lacked the tools of reality compared to my imagination, and I found 3D tools. That's the beginning

I realized that I wanted to be 3D Animator when I quited my first job as a web designer. I got to know the 3D Animator position when I considered changing my job due to personal reasons. I deeply attracted by the creative work of 3D Animation and really enjoyed the process of learning. So I want to go with my passion and become a professional 3D Animator in the future.

When I was a kid I saw Dragonball and never looked back