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Search Filters: Albert Jacquard school
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I have always loved watching cartoons and I was curious to know how it worked. I really liked it and I decided to study 3D animation.

After having done my first stage at .becoming

I have always been fascinated by visual media, fascinated by Pixar movies and wondering how it was made.I also love science, so I studied engineering, but I quickly understood it was not for me because instead of studying hard math that didn't mean anything for me, I watched tutorial to create the cool scenes I imagined as a kid. After studying at Albert jacquard I wonder why I didn't immediately think about this career because now I can't possibly think about living differently.

7 years ago while my last high school years

After I graduate from high school, I had to get my Bachelor degree in literature to realize what my real dream was. I decided to take the risk of starting over and I went abroad to study video game.

I was 15 years old