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I realized that I wanted to work in games at a young age. Playing games inspired me to draw my own characters and worlds. I've always loved that feeling of wonder I get from exploring in-game worlds inhabited by characters and creatures.

In 2020 I discovered the world of 3d and I love it, little by little I have tried to learn and know more about the software and styles. I am currently studying 3d animation technician at the professional institute Aiep in Chile.

always have been creative just decided recently to try and make a mark because i think i am good enough, creatively and skill wise to make an impact on the industry in the future

I've liked creating ever sense I was little so I've pretty much always wanted to do something creative as a career

I have always wanted to work in a creative industry.

I have been involved in broadcast and events for years now, working in the industry for over a decade now. I have always had a keen eye for gaming and the creative design element of it. Upskilling in the 3D Game Art has been a huge undertaking of mine but I have thrown myself right into it.

When I had our first art class in school, I realized I love painting and computers. As time passed, I started learning different skills and software.

I remember when I was in Primary School, and I started playing Quake 4. I loved the visuals and characters so much I started to illustrate them. Whilst researching reference images on google, I came across a grey wireframed 3D model of marine armor from the game. At this point I knew I wanted to create such models and learn everything I can about the industry. Ever since this conception, my love and interest in the industry has only develop over the years.

After taking a game art and animation class

I knew I wanted to work in the media and entertainment industry many years ago, everything I have done in my life has been of a creative nature. Making things in one form and medium or another

I’ve always adored art and animation even when I was kid, I would spend hours watching animated tv shows after school, watching movies on Netflix to help me get to sleep etc. My most standout memory with animation was rewatching the transformation scene at the end of beauty and the beast over and over again😅.

it was recently got into a show called tales of arcadia Trollhunters and I was amazed with the process on how they created the characters, I just fell in love the story and its characters and that's when I know I wanted to be in this industry and maybe one day release my own story.

Ive always wanted to work in the entertainment industry since i was little kid in preschool teaching myself how to draw

At the end of year 12 after finishing my multimedia major work

Two years ago when I started practicing with blender,

When i started doing my degree