Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: ATI - Paris 8 University
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When i was a young child i played warcraft 3 in solo, i spent hours looking at these beautiful models in game, I knew i wanted to work in the video game industry. I started to learn to draw and wanted to be a concept artist, i drew mostly characters. Then years later i jumped in 3D, discovering a whole new commmunity and much more possibilities. I discovered all these technical part and the sculpting part, i'm now sure that i want to create characters in 3D

I fell in to CG by chance, pushed by my brother who had already been working in the field for a couple of years. Feeling bored at my IT bachelor's, I decided to give learning CG a try, going into it almost blindly, and in doing so found my passion and my calling. I've been studying CG for 1,5 years now.