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I have been creative since I was pretty young but sometime I had the opportunity to watch on TV some behind the scenes video about the animated series Samurai Jack, and the whole thing was about how they crafted the episodes, the story, the animation, etc. But the work of Scott Wills, painting some of the most incredible backgrounds ever, made me fell in love with this vision of "this is what an artist does now", and I want to play those kinds of roles in the future of new stories.

When I was about eleven I got introduced to digital media world and it amazed me! I started to draw then and even tried digital "mouse" art! and when it came to choose a career I thought It would be very cool to share my ideas with everyone through animation, or even videogames! Since I was a little child I loved videogames so I found an art school at my place and started to train and studie to gain one of it's few places, and I did it!