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Has far has I can remenber, I had a controller in my hands. I've always had a intreste for creating, from finding a branch and cuting it to a sword, to be ready for "the grand battle of the garden castle of my big brother", to making the sword in 2D and 3D. After having large experience, in a lot of different genera of video games, I've realise that the unknow part of it is what interest me the most. From the PS1 to now the journey has been great but the best is in front of me.

I begin my 3D journey with the software "Mine-Imator", as a big fan of Minecraft, it was really cool to create things with assets of the game. After few years, i tried Blender and it was a revelation, and after working on little games with friends, i realise i wanted to do that in my life; working on beautiful and creative projects !

When I watched animated films when I was young.

J'ai réaliser ça quand j'ai conçu au lycée une lampe design en classe de terminale. J'ai u un déclique surtout dans l'univers design 3D.

C'est en faisant un stage de 3eme sur le site plaine image que ça à déclencher l'envie de créer des projet sur les jeux vidéos

Just a few times... i work with numerous 3D and Dev softwares from i was child. And i realise just a years ago it was the path i want.

Since i have played pokemon Daimond on DS, my parents asked me a question: what if you make a game instead of playing them? From then I try to find my place in this world.

A time in my life when I don’t know what to do I thought to myself why not do what I like, which is to say animated films and video games

I think it's was in the end middle school, I don't exactly now. In those period, I remember beginning to learn about programming and 3D modeling with Blender (And is old interface). I also look at some game engine like Unity and Unreal and was like "Woooh ! I could do so much thing with that !".