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It goes back a long way when Lego was a big deal and I had the greatest fun developing my own models. I always enjoyed creating things, either through Lego or handcraft, but my interest in 3D started with movies and video games and the curiosity of how they are made.

Fairly early on, when I was discovering video games, I realized I wanted to be a part of their creation. I created my own games on paper before that, but after realizing the potential of 3D software, I started dabbling in that more.

As a child, I found making offs of Disney and other 3D films. I immediately wanted to learn more about it. Quickly I came to blender and after a few years, it was clear to me that I want to go in the 3D direction.

I always loved watching cgi Trailers of Games when I was younger , and when the Trailer for WoW:Cataclysm came out and I was around 12 years old ,with Deathwing flying over Stormwind I just knew that I would love to create stunning pieces like these!

I started back in the 8th grade when I wanted to help a friend with a project to make minecraft banners for his youtube channel. That was my first contact with 3d. And what can i say, from that point on it started to look for more tutorials and learn more and more. So it went from Cinema 4d to Maya and then finally to Houdini untill I knew that I want to work in this industry to earn money with my hobby later. :)

I thoght I could try it and felt in love with it.

With 16 I wanted to do something in that direction with gamedesign. I did an architectural draftsman training and after that I went to the 3D Academy and am now in my last semester.