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i draw since i'm a little boy. But, i truly work on becoming a professional since i finished High school and attend art schools.

Depuis que je suis enfant

I don't remember. . . maybe when I was drawing doodles on the side of my notebook instead of listen to the lessons.

After having tested different crafts, I returned to what fascinates me above all: drawing, in particular the characters and the backgrounds. 2d animation offers a wide range of possibilities to develop my skills in a team project profile.

I always been creative since I was a child. I never stopped drawing and creating stories, so I always knew I wanted to work in the creative industry.

I think I never thought about doing anything else but art.

I've always been interested in all forms of art. But animated movies have a special place in my heart, especially Ghibli's ones. I've always wanted to make people feel emotions has strong as I was feeling while watching Princess Mononoke.

I've always been passionate about animation and films. I can't see myself working in anything else.

I've always practiced drawing since a very young age and been interested in artistic productions from various fields such as : video games, animes, cinema,...So in a sense I always knew this was my way to go !

As cliché as it sounds, I always knew I wanted to draw for a living. In my early teens, I was set on becoming a comic artist, but at age 14 I got an internship at an animation studio. Seeing with my own eyes people working on cartoons, it blew my mind. I thought those were the coolest jobs on earth. (I still think so.) From that point on, I knew that I would work in animation, and I never looked back.

I chose to work in this field because I've always felt a deep need to create and invent. For me, it was an obvious choice to pursue this career, because I know I'll never get bored.

I didn't realise I actually wanted to work in the industry until I got my degree in Language and Culture (Japanese). I couldn't see myself working as a researcher or a translator. It didn't feel like I could actually bring something to that table. My mother's job is to read stories to children and my dad has always been a big movie and comic book enthusiast. I want to help make stories come to life and inspire people like stories and movies inspire me everyday.

when watching cartoon on TV as a child.

After training in the construction industry and working for 1 year, I decided to retrain. I've always had a passion for drawing. I've always been fascinated by drawing, discovering professions such as concept art and illustration through renowned artists. It was dreaming through their images that made me want to go into the industry myself.

As a kid, when i was watching cartoon on tv and since i play video games

Firstly I grew up in an artistic family so I was already thinking about it at 10yo. Especially when I played my first pokemon video game and really wanted to create my own generation.

I like telling stories above all, and 2D animation was a better way for me to experiment with narrative projects which was something I learned some years ago. However, I feel like working in the creative industry always was something I longed for during my school years.

I first realised I wanted to work in this industry back in middle school, when I went to a convention in my city and realised there were schools that could help me learn to create games and cartoons like the one I loved and moved me so much.

Since middle school I wished to improve my art tehnique. After that I discoverd Pivaut who was like a paradise to me. Little after antering I did make my way naturaly. The joy and the fun to work in team for one project is the best.

By watching cartoons and reading graphic novels since i was young, i knew i wanted to work in the animation industries !

GUGUSSE Short Film [email protected] / insta : @roadtoanimator / Linkedin : François Posson

I wanted to work in the creative industry because it's the best place to tell stories, ideas and create something out of them.