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Ever since I started playing games. But then, I joined architecture and my interest went more into the quality of spaces one could create rather than visual effects. I still enjoy making models and rendering them on simple Softwares. I've never spent much time trying to render, but I hope I do in the future.

I have always been creative, and always had a set of technological skills. I started off in graphic design but didn't feel creatively fulfilled, I later moved onto animation and illustration which was a similar scenario. Eventually I found my way to Visual Effects where I am today. I found the industry had the competitive aura I was looking for, as well as the room to grow, learn and experience so many different amazing forms of art!

Ever since I was young

My first year of uni they introduced us to maya and bring character, concept and narrative and i found it interesting. From there i became drawn to effects and light.

After seeing people getting successful on youtube by expressing what they felt needed be told without restraint.

I grew up watching Disney and Pixar films, and developed a fascination with animation and storytelling. Fast forward a decade with the likes of Freddy Wong, Corridor Digital and of course, modern movies, my interest with visual effects and the integration of digital assets to enhance storytelling made it clear working within the creative media and entertainment industry was for me.

My moment of realisation came during the Crystal scene of Disney's Atlantis: The Last Empire. The music, colours and animation blew me away and has never failed to overwhelm me to the point of tears.

When I watched FreddieW youtube video of 'First Person Shooter 'that's when I realised that I wanted to create short, thrilling films like that. After that, I took an interest in photography and developed my skills in there such as learning composition and basic knowledge of the industry practices. After taking a number of courses of film classes in school I realised that I wanted to be apart of the film industry as a VFX editor.

When I began my degree in Media Arts. I ended up working in graphic design, but thanks to my course I got to experience visual effects which is what I'm focusing on now.

I have always wanted to work in a creative field. Initially I focused on music, completing a Diploma of Music (Sound Engineering) in 2007. However, my skills tended to work better with a visual medium and eventually I decided to go back to Uni to study Media Arts.

As a child i always loved drawing and cartoons, in year 7 as a career goal I had "Cartoonist" and even though throughout highschool i steered away from creative media i fully regained my passion in 2017 and enrolled into my current course at uni.

I have been into visual art since I was 7 years old - There was not a day in my childhood that was not spent at the kitchen table, drawing away. The passion that I currently have has ben cultured into me through secondary studies - it was there that I got introduced to the Adobe Creative Cloud, and I have not stopped using it since. I keep growing my knowledge everyday, and I love it.

As with many before me, I grew up with a love for film. Watching movies like Jurassic Park in my younger years, or others such as Harry Potter, and the Lord of the Rings as I got older absolutely stunned me. Originally I wanted to be a writer, but as soon as I got my fingers into my first 3D software and I realised that I, too, could try and create that which had awed and entertained me for my whole life, I was stuck. Funnily enough, I've made no effort to get unstuck, and nor do I intend to.

I've always been interested in Illustration and Animation and started as a young kid creating Power-point animations and home videos for fun. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a huge influence for me in terms of art style and animation and increased my appreciation for the art form. I started with an interest in 2D animation which i then transferred into 3D as it became more relevant in the film and entertainment industry.

Film and television has always been a passion of mine. Throughout school I was drawn to creative subjects like drama, art and design. It wasn't until university when I first dipped my toe in VFX and I was completely baffled and amazed by the way reality can be completely recreated through computer generated imagery. Working in the entertainment industry is the ultimate goal for me, and every opportunity is a chance to learn, develop skills and make strong connections.

I've always enjoyed works in the creative media and entertainment industry since young and felt inspired to create works of my own so that one day others can see and enjoy it too.

When I was two years into Engineering

I believe it was only in Year 11 of High School I began to really immerse myself in the world of illustration, and took art seriously in school. Since then, I have been drawing almost every day.

I can remember this day vividly. I had just finished watching Mission Impossible.

As I child I drew a lot and watched a lot of fantasy media, and I watched the behind the scenes of the Hobbit when I was about 14 and fell in love with the idea of concept art!

During my final years of school. Loved the idea of entertaining others, being blown away by the special effects in movies and have always wanted to learn how to do them.

When I was a little kid