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At the time of high school I realized I wanted to work in animation/VFX cinema and start my apprenticeship

When I did a Year of creative and Industrial Design Classes ans realized that my school had an other section to learn how to create for the domain of Entertainment!

I’ve always drawn since the day I was able to hold a pen in my hand. Later then, I realized that my hobby could become my lifetime job. After high school, I tried to make it come true.

In high school, I heard about working in the 3D sector and that you can actually have a career in that field. So here I am !

I realised the sheer amount of freedom that I had when I opened Maya for the first time. There are endless opportunities! Got the chance to work with multiple softwares by now, which really helped me develop my skills and learn even more. I really like this innovative aspect, there are always new workflows and techniques to learn, thats when you create the best art, and surpass yourself. Stay busy !

When I was in School I prefered art over every other classes. I love movies, series etc and I always wanted to be a part of the making.

The first time I realized I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry was when I discovered my love for design. Combined functionality and aesthetics, this is what makes the world we live in ever more intriguing.

I've always been passionate about art, and being able to express yourself through a lot of different platforms. But I only discover this year 3D during my bachelor's degree. I immediately felt very comfortable with softwares. And I think this is only the beginning of my learning in this subject, I can't wait to discover what it can bring.

Art is the most beautiful way to live !

Since my childhood

I realised that i wanted to work in 3d as a child.

I've always known my career was going to be involved in the visual arts since I saw movies like "Finding Nemo", they gave me the inspiration of bringing objects to life.

Playing videos games and enjoying discovering the diverse universes they provide.

When I discovered 3D after high school.

When I was in a Cinema University

I draw since I'm a kid but I started studying medecine after my high school graduation. Unfortunaty, I wasn't very at ease in this way and as a video game passionate, I started wanting to create characters as the ones in the games I loved so much. Giving life to deep background character and creating costumes for them is something I always loved and now I want to do it for the rest of my life ! I want to create content people would enjoy as much as I did when I was younger (and what I still do!)

I always liked animation movies but never even imagined that I can work in this indusrty. So when I found that there are schools for animators I decided to follow that path.

I realise i want to work in this industry after have seen my first pixar's movie as a child. i realised i wanted to be part of this.

I have always been attracted to this field! I wanted to see my name written in a cartoon credits. But it was too far away for me to realize that ... So I went in a completely different direction! And just before I passed my nursing exam, I said to myself "No! I'm going to be unhappy in this, I want to do what I love!" So I went for it and now here I am at the end of my last year of Bachelor 3D Animation.

I first realise it when I was 18. A friend told me about an entertainment scool and I realised I could actually work in this industry.

I always love drawing. I know I want to do a career with my passion but there are so many options. I tried a stage in animation 2D and I really really loved it. When I back home I continued my project and I feel it was my way. I have always my children eyes when I see animated series or animated movies. So that's my reasons to work in this industry.