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When I first watched steam boat willy for the first that's is when I wanted to create animations

Both Games & Art have been my biggest passions in my life and it's been that way since the very beginning. I'm a self taught artist so a lot of things I had to find out on my own, it honestly took meeting my fiancé (who studies Game Design) to realise that there is opportunities for an artist like me to get into the Games Industry and even do University classes to further my knowledge. So much has happened since then, I'm even creating my own video game to show to publishers in the future.

During the peak of the pandemic in Australia, I had found myself questioning my now-previous career path in Architecture. 11 years ago, I was too scared to pursue concept design or an otherwise creative pathway seriously, and Architecture felt like the safer option. But with encouragement from people around me, I took the leap at the end of 2021 to study Game Art and VFX, which has gotten me to where I am now.

When I took a 3D modeling class my sophomore year of high school.

I don't know when I ever didn't want to work in the creative media and entertainment industry.

Art has always been a massive part of my life, so much that i never even realised it as a passion of mine. In about 2018 i watched a show in which the protagonist wanted to become a video game designer. I was so shocked by it and amazed as i had never even thought that was something i could do as a career with my art. So from then I’ve always had an interest in the industry and in recent years grown a great passion for 3D modelling and learning all there is to know about video game art.

I have always had a intrinsic draw to creativity at a young age, and drew all when I could. It was after finishing highschool that I went into studying 3D.

I've always had a fun time playing videogames, but after my friends convinced me to take an art class I became convinced that somewhere in the art field is where I belonged. Later down the line I began sculping and making minis to the point where I realized that I could do this in a program and join those who I looked so far up to. I can't wait to join those people, be a role modle and help those who would look up to me

I have always loved playing video games and became interested in working in the industry as a teenager. Now that I am older, I am back to working on chasing my dream.

I wanted to work in this industry when I started seeing films with better and better animation and graphics, and being evolved with art a lot, I wanted to be apart of that.

I've just always found an interest in presenting characters and stories for people.

When I was in highschool.

I first realized when I was around 10 or 11. I always loved art but around that time I considered doing it for a career.

I realized when I started my first year in high school and developed more characters and stories. I love video games and different stories and wish to share them in an interactive form.

Sometime in middle school. I can't remember the exact year or reason but at some point I realized that this was an industry I wanted to be a part of.

When I was in Middle school and first visited AIE campuses.

In high school, I knew I wanted to do something with art, especially digitally. It wasn't until my sophomore year of high school that I discovered AIE (Academy of Interactive Entertainment) at a small convention. Since that day in November, I had been thinking about Game Art and Animation and decided to pursue that career.

I work as a product designer, and after realising it wasn’t actually that creative I started to look to other avenues. The recent 3D art boom around NFTs gave me that final push to dive in and start studying

I've always been creative, and loved watching movies. I started my Bachelor of Media Arts and Production in 2012 and decided to pursue this as a potential career, not being completely sure. I took a 3D animation elective just for fun and immediately fell in love with the world of 3D animation. That's when I watched the lego movie, I knew that this is what I want to pursue for sure. I finished my bachelors and did a 2 year course in and spend a lot of time learning new skills. And here I am now

I was signed up for drawing classes around 8 years old or so. Continued drawing casually until the end of High School where I was introduced to AIE. 3D art seemed like a fascinating route to take, considering my past in 2D art. Since attending AIE, I've found myself tweaking with different parts of the 3D art pipeline and building my skills to a career in the industry.