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I've been photographing for 10 + years, but just recently found out that I wanted to explore 3D Art

When I was introduced to the computer life.

When i was little i loved watching movies that were animated and as i grew up i loved the concept of vfx and 3d art.

I've always wanted to work in a creative industry. Mostly in media, design and animation

I first started using 3D in my art; Making backgrounds. Once I got into 3D, i got quite interested in it and wanted to learn more so I could work as a 3D artist one day.

About 3 years ago while entrepreneurial journey and realize how powerful stories and visual representation are. As it prays ; "A picture is worth a thousand words" is an adage in multiple languages meaning that complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by a single still image, which conveys its meaning or essence more effectively than a mere verbal description.

I wanted to change profession and this is what I found the most interesting

Frogs are the best animals out there and you cannot convince me otherwise.

I have always wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry, but havnt been able to before now :)

Always wanted to try after growing up in gaming and always being interested in 3D,

Always liked doing music, but a few years ago i started to think of 3d art also.

A few years ago I started getting interested in marketing, especially social media and video. During the time I have been studying marketing, I fell in love with 3D art and design, so now I'm taking a 3D art and Games Technology course for a year to start my adventure.

I wanted to work in creative media ever since I was little. I've always been drawing and trying to create.

After realizing I hated "normal" school I started looking to other fields. I tried learning new things and even went out and worked for about 2 years. after realizing I was headed towards a dead end I started once again to look for something new. As I have always loved animated movies and games I thought id try to expand on that, and here I am now.

I realised i wanted to work in this area when i discovered Super Mario and the Lego Ninjago series. This was when i was around 7/8 years old.

Always had a interest in it, but just recently acted on it. So we'll see how it goes

for a year i ago i wanted to try 3d designing

I have always been very interested in 3D and the game industry in general, but never knew where to start. After i finished school and started work, a friend of mine showed me that we had schools focusing on 3D in Norway. I then decided to study one year to test if it was something i wanted to do, and i became hooked.