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It was to long ago i don't remember

When I was 14, I watched a documentary about an animation school in Paris, making me realise that, first, making an animated movie was a real job for real people (I guess it never occured to me before, like animated movies popped out of thin air). Animation felt to me like the perfect environment for a creative and cartesian spirit.

I've always been creative since I was a child, I enjoyed drawing and created handmade stuffs. When I was in high school I didn't want to have a "casual job"

We are a team of four people who made the film Les Chaussures de Louis. We've all globally realized that we want to do creative work in entertainment by watching movies and wanting to do the same.

Actually i always was into creative media, especially video game.

As far as I remember I was always doodling on every surface I could find and imagining characters, so getting in a school to learn animation felt like a natural step for me.

Hey this is Kayu, Hong Kongese 3D artist based in France. Working for the Annecy animation festival inspires me to step into the animation world. Graduated from Supinfocom Arles (Ecole Mopa) in 2020. My films have been selected by different festivals including the Animafest Zagreb and DC Independent Film Festival.

I've always loved animated movies and cartoons, so when I had the opportunity to make them myself, I had to take it.

I have spent my entire childhood drawing. When I was 16 I saw the movie "Tout en haut du monde" by Rémi Chayé and started to learn about the animation industry.

When i was 7 i see for the first time, the first game Assassin's Creed, and i was think it's a movie.

When I was 16 I wanted to be a painter but then I watched Tekkonkinkreet with friends and I knew I have to make things like this c:

I always was interested by creative media as animated movies or video games ! :)

I wasn't really sure before I graduated from high school, and I was really sure about it when I got into the school (MOPA) and learn about the cinema industry. I would really like to grow as a storyteller, and tell a lot of stories in all the way I can.

I never stop to draw and never stop to love animation movie..... wo one day I just thought Why not making that for leaving ?? So here I'rm !!

I'm interested in animation and art.

Creating and imagining stuff is what makes me happy and allways did :) so why not make a living out of it?

Very young i knew i wanted to work in something about art . Then I discover some 3D short films from studients and I knew that was were i wanted to go.

I realised I wanted to work in the VFX industry when I was younger. I practiced clay modelling, scale modelling, and even cast a clay modelled creature with latex to make a puppet for one of my own films, trying to mimic what I saw in the making-ofs.

After my A-level in Hong Kong, I was accepted in Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne for Fine Arts. Then i have the chance to work for the biggest animation festival in France, the Annecy festival. Currently fourth year in Ecole MOPA( Supinfocom Arles) I made my first short film and it was chosen by a film distributor to represent it in worldwide film festivals, e.g. DC Independent Film Festival , Festival International Séquence Court Métrage,Animafest Zagreb in Croatia, etc.