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Since childhood, I've been immersed in the world of creation and craftsmanship. I chose to update my affinities and my personal environment through digital tools. A desire to move to the other side of the screen, to get my hands on the video game engine. After spending 3 years studying how it works, I'm ready to join the adventure of video game creation, through a 6-month internship. I'd like to enter this industry through your studio, with the ambition of a lasting collaboration.

Since I was a child, I always loved drawing . That’s why I decided to work in my dream and creativity.

I never realized it, I don't even know if I really want to work on it

2015, When i accidentally opened the animation pannel on my Adobe Photoshop crack; I immediately started doing an animated music video and it became my passion

I drew all my life long, I joined Bellecour Ecole to learn the ways to share my art and improve myself.

I've been drawing for my entire life ! It's always been natural for me to work in a creative field. Going to art school is only the confirmation that I actually want to pursue a career in drawing.

I know I want to work in the creative media and entertainment industry for more than 5 years now, it's a bit of a teenage dream.

Je suis passionnée par l'univers de la décoration et de l'aménagement intérieur depuis toute petite. Cette idée de métier me trotte dans la tête depuis l'école primaire et celle-ci ne m'a jamais quittée ! Aujourd'hui, je rêve de faire de cette passion mon métier.

As a young child I've always been fascinated with "behind the scenes" footage of animated movies. That's when I realized that concept artist was the career choice for me.

Je me suis rendu compte que la réalisation de rendu réaliste architectural m'intéressait au lycée.

I think I always knew but realised it first when I was 20, during litterature studies. I realised that what was a hobby (drawing, imagining worlds, civilizations and characters) could be a work. I've always loved playing board and video games, and my boyfriend (writer), encouraged me to follow my artistic interests. I've always read books and comics, so I've always been in an imagination sphere, and I wanted to give to people the pleasure I have when I'm discovering new worlds and dreaming.

I think it was around my 15/16 because it was during this period that I became interested in cinema and creative media; I was first influenced by science fiction films and horror cinema.

I started scribbling for fun in middle school but it became more serious in highschool . I feel like I always had two big passions as a teen : theater and drawing. Back then, I was much more confident on stage than with a pen in my hand. But I needed to create something more tangible than a role in a play. And so I found my voice. Shaping my imagination into something visual, something I could share more easily. It became a dream. And now a reality.

I realized that I wanted to work in the world of 2D and animation in 2017, I had been drawing for a few years already for fun, but this very year I decided to devote myself to it more seriously, in the aim to make it my life and my work.

I have been passionate about drawing since my very young age however I only realized it could be my career until late in my high school. Since then I began to think of my drawings as an opportunity to tell stories and to bring life to a professional project.

I grew up watching animated movies and drawing since I was a kid I have the dream of drawing a comic book by myself, but it's when I visited during the open house of my school that I wanted to try the 2D animation

At the time of high school I realized I wanted to work in animation/VFX cinema and start my apprenticeship

When I did a Year of creative and Industrial Design Classes ans realized that my school had an other section to learn how to create for the domain of Entertainment!

I’ve always drawn since the day I was able to hold a pen in my hand. Later then, I realized that my hobby could become my lifetime job. After high school, I tried to make it come true.

In high school, I heard about working in the 3D sector and that you can actually have a career in that field. So here I am !

I realised the sheer amount of freedom that I had when I opened Maya for the first time. There are endless opportunities! Got the chance to work with multiple softwares by now, which really helped me develop my skills and learn even more. I really like this innovative aspect, there are always new workflows and techniques to learn, thats when you create the best art, and surpass yourself. Stay busy !

When I was in School I prefered art over every other classes. I love movies, series etc and I always wanted to be a part of the making.

The first time I realized I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry was when I discovered my love for design. Combined functionality and aesthetics, this is what makes the world we live in ever more intriguing.