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One day I discovered the making of the planet of the apes directed by Tim Burton. Since this day I always wanted to work for the entertainment industry

I realized it when I discovered Star Wars 3's making of, which I watched more than the actual movie at that time.

I realized that I wanted to work in the entertainment industry when I was in high school. I had more of a technical profile with a great interest in sciences, arts, culture and cinema. I wanted to go in a field where I could find technical solutions to achieve artistic goals. At the same time I noticed that I was watching a lot of animated movies and really enjoying it. I started researches about the jobs in the animation and VFX industry, and that is how the spark ignited.

I have been always interest by understand the mecanisms or the secrets of the things . I had always liked the old cartoons when I was child ( always now ) I asked everytime at my parents "why that or how it works".Passionate by the drawing and the knowledge ,it's naturally that I had started to work in this field.

It was at the beggining of my college, I was starting to watch more and more animation films, and at the time it really pushed my creativity. I then started to draw a lot more and tried new things, thats when I realised I wanted to work in this kind of industry. I chose to go at ArtFx in the VideoGame course because I really wanted to see the production side of it and it was, at the time, the part that I was most interest in.

During my highschool years

I've always been fascinated by cinema, watching dozens of making offs and seeing all the work of the VFX artists on the movie was astounding. I knew I wanted to work in the VFX industry when I saw "Tintin : The Secret Of The Unicorn" by Steven Spielberg in 2011, because it was bringing life tp a 2D world I liked, into a realistic CGI world with motion capture, I was amazed ! Then I interested myself in the VFX industry and I gradually specialized myself in FX.

Ever since I was a child I have been interested in the world of video games and the storytelling games provide. I have since been working to get into the industry. I did a Master degree in Video Game Programming at ArtFX school of Digital Arts in Montpellier and I am currently working on my first game ever in a cool studio in Montpellier.

I realise that I wished to be part of this worl during high school. I was in cinema program at this time and I though to go further in this kind of industries. I discovered Artfx and continue the studies.

Animated films rocked my childhood. I also wanted to mark young and old, transmit emotions and messages through images, and be free in my creativity.

I realised I wanted to work in creative industries following a presentation about VFX and 3D animation during the Clermont-Ferrand international shortfilm festival

Back in High School I was interested by art in general, that's when it clicked to me that 3D animation was a possible carreer path and I'm absolutely glad I chose this route!

When I was 13 I discorved Esma youtube channel. I knew I wanted to do that at this moment

I wanted to do animation as soon as I realised the only way for me to express my feeling was through animation. I grew up with a lot of animated movies and always was impressed by the way they can spreed emotions.

Dès mon plus jeune âge, j'ai été captivé par le processus de création. Depuis que je suis tout petit, j'ai toujours été fasciné par la façon dont on peut donner vie à des idées et des concepts à travers différentes formes d'expression artistique. Que ce soit en dessinant, en bricolant ou en explorant d'autres formes d'art, j'ai toujours trouvé un immense plaisir à créer quelque chose à partir de rien.

About 10 Years ago, when I did an internship into DWARF ANIMATION STUDIO.

When I was a teenager, I was always passionate about art and crafts, especially drawing, sculpting, but mostly creating characters.

The first time I realized I wanted to work in this field was in high school. I had been doing 3D since middle school, and when I had to choose a path after high school, the world of cinema seemed like a way to turn 3D into my profession.

After acquiring my BTS in programming in 2017, I discovered the behind-the-scenes world of video games during trade shows and short-term internships. After that, I quickly realized that I wanted to be part of this industry.

I always had a passion for creating things, games especially. I made board games or roleplaying games. After playing a few video games that really gripped me (Herdy Gerdy, Undertale, Dark Souls), I decided I wanted to make that!

I was in elementary school when I wanted to work behind the scenes of amazing projects.