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I have always been a really creative child and always draw and made huge lego shit and then i heard about 3D thrue my brother and then i was hooked

When I was 11 years old I started making youtube videos for fun and then my journey started from there. I started learning premiere, then after effects, and now, going to 3d college Denmark, I learn 3ds max.

Back in twenty-thirteen when I was thirteen, I read about a school on the edge of civilized Denmark, that could teach it's students about Game development; Even though those claims back then proved to be false, I still got the realization that it was something you could do, therefore I enrolled into a school further up the street that could teach it's students about 3D art, and then I thusly started my journey to become a 3D artist in back in 2018.

I've wanted to work with 3D graphics from a young age, but recently realized the potential within the Archviz industry, as to both develop my own skills and create high-quality visualizations.

I've always wanted to work with something creative. but it was when i watched how to train your dragon that i realized they needed someone to make those movies and that is what i wanted to do.

When I got a drawing tablet to make schoolwork faster and easier. I started to draw and liked it. Which lead me to find an art school, where I got decent at traditional art. It was through my family I got an interest in 3D. I was on multiple occasions asked to help visualise living rooms, kitchens and gardens, for them to get a preview on improvements to make.

I have always loved to draw, and when i had to make a career choice my mentor told me about a school in Grenaa where you could learn to make 3D and use your drawing skills in collaboration with that. So it sounded like the right place fore me, when I got to the school I knew i was in the right place.

I’ve been drawing since a young age, and my parent has always encouraged my creative mind in all kinds of ways; from buying me my very first Photoshop and a tablet, to enrolling me into art schools. A visit to Disneyland was what really started it all, where I found out I could do what I love for living. Later the industry moved completely from 2D to 3D, and I knew I had to make that transition as well - so I started to study at 3D College, and I’ve been in love with the world of CG ever since!

About 1½ years ago when I was studying at a school that had a media class and they worked with 3ds Max. Ever since, I have loved working with CGI, specifically Architectural Visualization and it is my passion and my dream.

I dont really know... It just happened., i just want to be as good as my brother is.. :p All started because i saw his work. Then i decided that i want to do the same thing..

Back when I was a kid and saw CG in movies and video games, I was mindblown. It was quite a bit later when I realized that I could work with CG and make a living with, and ever since it was my dream to work in the industry. Everything from VFX to ArchViz interests me.

After high school all my friends went to university and so did I. Even though my course was about digital media I quickly realized I loved the more practical and tangible way of working within this area. I have always been passionate about building and creating something and through the years I have been trying out a lot of different areas of digital media. My goal is to specialize in 3D architectural design because here I get to build rooms and object in a fun and creative 3D space.

I took a swing at something new, I used to work in construction and it simply got boring after a couple of years. So I took a chance instead of university and went on to a college with 3D as the main subject. It sparked my interest right away and struck me with a different train of thought and another mindset towards, how we design our home as well as our interest.

After creacking photoshop in 7th grade, I started developing my creative skills. After 10th grade, i decided to get my self a creative education. Been studying since 2016.

When I saw how much you can creative in 3D if you just let your mind play.